AI Resume Builder

Customize your resume for each job application in one click with AI

CareerAI’s Resume Builder lets you customize your resume for each job application to stand out from the crowd and catch the eye of hiring managers.

How it works

Few steps to a perfect resume


Add a job description

Simply paste the URL of the job listing you're interested in, and our AI Assistant will take care of the rest. It will automatically navigate to the webpage, and extract the job description. Alternatively, you can copy/paste the job description or use the browser extension to save jobs while you browse the web.


Get a customized summary

Our AI Assistant uses your profile details and the job description to craft a compelling resume summary that mirrors the role's requirements and highlights your strengths.


    Get skill-aligned bullet points

    The AI doesn't stop at the summary. It refines each accomplishment bullet point to emphasize how your achievements align with the job's expectations. This level of customization maximizes your resume's impact.


    Edit or regenerate

    Want to make tweaks? Feel free to edit the generated content or request the AI to regenerate certain sections. Your resume is fully customizable, putting you in control of your narrative.


      Pick a template

      Choose from a variety of templates to find the one that best suits your needs. You can also preview your resume in each template to see how it will look. Not sure which template to choose? No problem! You can always change it later.


      Download and Apply

      Once you're satisfied with the result, you can download your customized resume. You're now armed with a powerful tool to showcase your suitability for the job.


        CareerAI helps you create a resume that will get you noticed.

        Stand out from the crowd

        Gain a significant edge over other applicants by presenting a resume that is optimized for the job, showcasing your qualifications in the most impactful way.

        Save time

        Customize your resume for each job application in one click. Save hours of manual work while achieving superior results. Never use the same resume twice and have time to apply for more jobs.

        Stay in control

        Rewrite, edit, or remove parts of your resume to ensure it reflects your unique qualifications and preferences.


        Frequently Asked Questions

        Yes, you can save multiple versions of your resume for different job applications. You can also edit and update your resume at any time.

        Yes, you can edit the content generated by the AI Resume Builder. You can also remove or add sections to your resume.

        We only support PDF format at the moment. We are working on adding more formats soon.

        We have a separate tool for cover letters available within CareerAI. You can use the AI Cover Letter Builder to create a cover letter that is tailored to each job application in one click.

        Yes, We prioritize the security and confidentiality of your information. Your data is handled with the utmost care in accordance with our privacy policy and terms of use.

        Yes, the AI Resume Builder can help you transition to a different industry or career path. It can help you identify transferable skills and highlight relevant experiences that may not be immediately obvious. Additionally, the AI can provide tailored suggestions to help you present your background in a way that aligns with the requirements of your desired industry or role.

        Absolutely! The AI Resume Builder is designed to cater to candidates at all stages of their career. It can help entry-level candidates highlight their relevant skills and experiences to make a strong impression.
        Get hired and promoted faster

        Experience the future of career management today.

        Use AI to write your resume, cover letter, and apply to jobs faster.

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